Thursday 22 November 2012

Posting A Very Special Package

Yesterday I ventured to the Post Office in Hoboken - it was my first visit since I've lived here and I was posting a very special package to my Mum - my Dad's Memory Quilt.

I spent ages wrapping the quilt

and then wrapping the postage box in beautiful Martha Stewart Xmas postal paper

but the guy in the Post Office didn't like the way I'd wrapped it - he cut off my string, told me my tape (which I had carefully placed over every seam on the parcel) wasn't good enough and then he covered pretty much the whole box in white, red and blue United States Postal Service tape.  Next he added a smattering of stickers and stamps and then an enormous customs form - pretty much the size of half the box.

I'm so glad I took these photos so my Mum can see just how I'd intended her pressie to look when she received it because I can assure you it no longer resembles this in any way - but I guess if it's going to arrive safely and in one piece I shouldn't complain!

I understand it'll take around 10 business days to get to her so I'm holding my breath until she's got it and it's under her tree waiting for Christmas Day.

Today is Thanksgiving and, although we're not American, we are, of course, celebrating.  Flicky has gone over to Macy's to watch the Thanksgiving Parade with our house guest, Claire, and I've been cooking Cauliflower Cheese and Banoffee Pie to take over to Thanksgiving Dinner at Ivete's (Rose Smoke) later this afternoon.

Tatty, being an all American puppy has asked me to pass on a very special message to you all :)

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  1. You should have tried posting parcels from Latvia! You couldn't seal it at all as they insisted on looking in the parcel to check what was being sent! So I could never send wrapped gifts, very frustrating. Think it was something to do with not having an x-ray machine but that might just have been an excuse.

    Your parcel looked lovely before the Post Office got a hold of it I am sure your mum will appreciate the sentiment even with the covering of PO stickers.

    1. Wow Fiona, I really have nothing to complain about! I think you're right and Mum's looking forward to seeing the quilt more than the wrapping :)

  2. What a lovely, thoughtful present to give, your Mum will be thrilled to get it.

    F x

    1. She's looking forward to seeing the quilt so much F, she tells me she keeps trying to picture what it'll be like :)

  3. Beautiful wrapping! Hope it reaches your mum quickly and safely!

    1. Thank you, she's keeping watch for it now so I hope it gets there safely too :)

  4. That's a very smart cardi Tatty is wearing! Happy Thanksgiving x

    1. Why thank you Gertie, Tatty loves her cardi and has a matching one in grey, white and black also which looks equally fetching ;)

  5. The wrapping is just that - it's what's inside that counts. We want this very special gift to get there safe, so we won't worry about what it looks like on the outside.

    1. Thanks for that Erin, it really is the way to think about it and Mum says she knows the quilt is going to mean so much to her :)

  6. The wrapping looks lovely! Glad you took a picture. Can't wait to hear how your mum likes it!

    1. Thanks Ellie, I'm excited to find out what Mum thinks too, we're skyping each other on Xmas Day so we can share the moment and I'll be sure to post about it :)

  7. Well, now we know why the postal service is going bankrupt--plastering all of that red and blue tape over everything like there is just no end to it! So long as the quilt still looks pretty when she opens it, I suppose that's the important thing!

    1. That made me laugh! I was surprised when he taped it all up for me as they had so many rolls of the tape 'for sale' around the Post Office. I did buy a roll of the 'official' tape which is clear (unlike the stuff he used) so I don't get caught out in future :)

  8. I am sure that your mom will be so pleased with her quilt! And look at it this way ... the postal clerk was just wanting to help make sure it arrive intact and without incident! I have a darling high school friend (which makes us very old, dear friends) who also lives in Hoboken with her hubby and three children. Small world!

    1. I think she'll love it Denise. I'm laughing about all the tape now but he was a very enthusiastic taper and I had already done a pretty good job myself and I'd added the string as an added security measure - quite funny really. Wow, that you have a friend living here, do you ever get to visit? Hoboken is such a fab place, I hope she wasn't affected badly by Sandy. :)

  9. Hope your parcel arrives safely - I am sure it will be loved and appreciated when opened whatever the package looks looks like.

    1. Thanks Lin, I hope so too but I do know that Mum's going to love it :)

  10. Your did such a good job wrapping the present for your mom and the paper is so pretty. Too bad it got ruined when you posted it. I hope is arrives safely. Tatty is just too cute. I love her little sweater. I love to dress up my dogs, but one of them only lasts 10 seconds at the most with her cloths on before she tries to take them off.

    1. Thanks Martha. Tatty lets us do anything to her and loves wearing clothes - though she's not keen on having a hood on her head. I did think that once Flicky goes off to college next year Tatty's ever expanding wardrobe would stop growing but then on Friday I have to own up to buying her a Mandarin dress in Pearl River, Soho, so maybe not!!! :)

  11. What an absolutely beautiful package. Your mother is going to be so touched by this lovely and thoughtful gift.

    1. Thanks Lisa, I really hope so and I know she is very excited about it too :)

  12. Yes, post offices can be very difficult, but you were smart and took pictures of your parcel before they changed it
    great idea. love the picture of Tatty

  13. I have a serious disllike of post offices and it sounds like they are all the same whereve you go! If the parcels I receive are anything to go by then the beautifully wrapped before picture would not have looked the same when it arrived at your mum's anyway. How wonderful is it that you can Skype and see her open it!

    1. I'm looking forward to it Gillian - I don't think I'd be able to get through living so far away from all my family if it wasn't for Skype! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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