Wednesday 24 October 2012

An Unexpected Modelling Assignment

Well today didn't turn out quite how I expected!

This morning I headed down to Seaport, Lower Manhattan, armed with my SLR, lenses and tripod - off to take photos of the latest knitted pieces designed by my friend Ivete at Chiagu. Not quite sure what happened but we ended up with me modelling the pieces and Ivete taking the photos!

Chamomile Infinity Scarf Knitting Pattern

is already available for sale on the Chiagu website so why not pop over and take a look for yourself? :)

Doesn't the pattern remind you of flying geese or is that just the quilter in me?

Other news today is that my friend Sarah from Jersey in the Channel Islands has launched her new children's quilt website

Quilt Candy

  Her work is just gorgeous so please read all about it on her blog and then pop over and give her your support at her website and on Facebook.

To round the day off nicely here's links to the latest posts on Plum and June's Let's Get Acquainted! Blog Hop

Ups and Downs Quilt Block tutorial from Jenniffier at Jenniffier's Sometimes Creative Life


  1. What a nice picture of you and the scarf!

  2. Well first of all, you make a fantastic model...a new career path perhaps??! Yes I can see the flying geese in the scarf too, it must be the quilters in us!

    And thank you SO much for the shout out about my website. So kind of you and what a lovely friend you are. I am so glad to have 'met' you!!

    1. Hi Sarah, I wasn't terribly comfortable doing the modelling but Ivete said I was great, think it's something I should really be leaving to Flicky though!!! No problem telling people about your website, it deserves to be shouted about and I'm glad to have 'met' you too :)

  3. You look very good modeling the scarf,great picture. And I can see the flying geese, too. Beautiful pattern.

    1. Thanks Martha, it's a great pattern isn't it, Ivete designs some pretty good stuff.

  4. Looking good! That is a lovely scarf and your friend is very talented.

    1. Thanks Candace, I'm as impressed with her photography skills as I am with her knitting ... me as a model!!!

  5. You look great in that scarf and I can see how the pattern might remind you of flying geese.

    1. Thanks Melissa, that scarf's a great pattern for us quilters! :)

  6. I love checking ur blog as regularly as I can. Today my thoughts goes to you because of "Sandy". I hope you and yours will be ok. Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, that means a lot to me. I'll be very glad when it's all over! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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