Wednesday 29 August 2012

Two Quilts and Making Progress

This last week I've made great progress with my Double Irish Chain quilt and also my Dad's Memory Quilt.

The Double Irish Chain quilt top is now finished and I've also pieced the back using some left over strips from the quilt top.  The rest of the quilt back will be more of the Oval Elements fabric in Petal Pink by Pat Bravo but, as I want to keep the ovals all running in the same direction, I need to buy more so I'll pick this up when I go to the final class at my LQS in Manhattan this Thursday.  Now I've added the borders the quilt is much larger than I'd realised.  The book said I'd be making a 50" x 70" quilt but this turns out to be the size of the Irish Chain section without borders (if I'd put my thinking cap on I'd have realised this - 5 x 10" blocks = 50" but I didn't) so the finished size is actually going to be about 66" x 87".

As regular followers will know, I can't post any photos of my Dad's Memory Quilt on my blog as it's a present for my Mum and she wants it to be a surprise so again I've posted some photos to my facebook page as my Mum doesn't have facebook and can't see it there.  If you want to see how it's looking, just click this link :D

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Related Posts:
Double Irish Chain Quilt - Strips All Sliced
Will Blogging Help Me Sleep?
Two Quilts and Making Progress
Project Update And Shout Out for The Agitprop Quilter


  1. Colors are really sweet and tender, like a baby girl.

    1. Isn't it Silvana - it reminds me of when my daughter, F, was small and it's the colours of her bedding then :)

  2. Your top is so pretty!!! Love what you've done with the backing too. How will you be quilting this? Can't wait to see this finished! =)

    1. Thanks Farah, the tutor at The City Quilter suggested free motion quilting a flower in each pink section and then leaves over the rest of the quilt. I think this could be really pretty and girly but I'm torn as I'd already decided to do traditional Irish chain quilting diagonally along the chains. I want to sell the quilt once I open my Etsy shop when my green card comes through and I just can't decide if modern or traditional is the way to go with this one - what do you think?

    2. I think it will still turn out beautiful either way. Have you decided on your target market since you're planning to open an etsy shop? It helps to know their likes / preferences thus it'll be much easier to decide which route you should take, in my opinion.
      Having said that, it would be fun to see a traditional quilt with a modern quilting design though. ;)

    3. Thanks Farah, it's so good to hear other people's thoughts and ideas.

      I think the modern twist would be a fun way to go with more customer appeal and I'm prepared to use it as an experiment to see what people respond to.

      Reading your reply made me realise that what I'm really nervous about is my back playing up if I fmq on a quilt of this size compared to straight quilting it with a walking foot then spending days settling my back down again and running up the additional cost of seeing the chiropractic! However, I've also now realised that I'm excited to give it a go and my excitement might just end up winning over my sensibilities! :)

  3. So pretty. Will be stunning when you get the quilting done!

  4. I love that you ended up with a "low volume" double Irish chain! You're so on-trend! ;o)

    1. Lol, well I had to get some low volume in somewhere this week as I was too late for a place in the fabric swap! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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