Sunday 1 July 2012

A Weekend Update

To round up my week, in one of my last posts I told you I was going to spend the day sewing - and I did. I made a baby quilt but, having machine sewn the binding to the front I've decided not to hand bind the back until I've got myself some labels professionally made - I've been meaning to do this for so long and it's time to get myself sorted.  Set about it on Friday but it turned out to be a much bigger task than I'd anticipated so this quilt may not be bound for a while yet!

So here's a quick peek at where I'm up to

I'm also trialling a larger font for my posts.  I was reading a post by Julie of Jolie Maxtin and she asked for feedback on her blog - everyone was incredibly positive about her great blog but one comment was that the text was a bit small, and I did rather agree.  Quickly checked my own blog and realised my text is the same size, hence my experiment in larger text. Let me know what you think: should I keep it this size or go back to my original format; does it make my posts seem way too long; and any other comments please?

I'm still trying to catch up with Plum & June's Let's Get Acquainted Blog Hop - having joined late I've still got 6 blogs left to visit to get me on track.

This week I've visited the following blogs and can recommend you take a look at them too:

Yesterday my daughter, F, and I spent the afternoon over at Toni & Guy in Hoboken.  When we moved over to the States we were worried about who we'd get to do our hair having had the same fab hairdresser back in England for many years and realising that it just wasn't practical to contemplate flying him over every six weeks, even if he had become my best friend (I'm sure all you ladies know just what we must have been feeling).  Anyway, we needn't have worried - we headed up to Toni & Guy (as it's such a known English brand we hoped we couldn't go too wrong) and it's the best thing we did since we arrived in the US (alongside from me learning to quilt and getting Tatty, our dog) .  F's hair is coloured by Jess then Peter cuts it and my hair is cut by Whitney.  The salon is fabulous, ultra modern and spotlessly clean and the staff are amazing and friendly and look after you brilliantly - on top of which the haircuts are fantastic.

F modelled for them at their recent Freedom collection promotion - and we had a great night out at the event.
F, centre stage with Zak Mascolo, Creative Director, T&G USA who cut her hair

F, looking fab :)

In the audience, two proud parents :)

So this time, F, decided to go for a really short cut, I've wanted her to do it for a few years now - she had her hair in a pixie cut when she was very small and looked great so I thought it would really suit her.  Jess put some great platinium blonde through her hair and Peter gave her the most WOW haircut, what do you think?!

I know she's my daughter but I think she's stunning x

I keep going back to my Dad's shirts - it's taking me so long to cut them back to flat, usable fabric - I think this bit will take longer than actually making the quilt, anyway it makes sure I'm never idle!

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  1. From what I can see, your baby quilt looks really cute! And I know what you mean about changing hairdressers - BOY do I know. I used to drive an hour to get to my hairdresser because she did such a fab job - luckily now I found someone else close by. Your daughters cut looks really nice! I'm a blonde myself, so I'm loving the platinum. :)

    1. Changing hairdresser is such a worry isn't it, I'm not surprised you drove for an hour, we'd do the exactly the same :)

  2. I'm not feeling this font size to be honest. I felt like I'd accidentally zoomed in and had to scroll out to read it xx

    1. I'm feeling the same myself - I like how it used to be so I'll be switching back for future posts :)

  3. ohh my I never thought someone would actually read my comment about the small font of Jolie and react on it.
    I just went and had a look at your older posts - you seem to switch between "serif" and "sans serif" fonts - but that's not really important.
    As to the font size - there seem to be different ones too - "Angst continues" has the best font size - not too small not too big (at the moment it's a bit big)

    1. Not so much of a reaction as an experiment! I prefer the old font so I'll be switching back in my next post :)

  4. I would say it is a bit too big (it looked especially odd in Google Reader so I came here to have a look too). Now I can't remember what it was like before, but the smaller text in your side bar looks fine to me. Isn't your daughter pretty!

    1. I think it looks a bit too big too Catherine and it's really interesting what you say about Google Reader as I haven't seen it from there myself. I don't ever read if from a phone or ipad or anything like that either so I don't know how my blog ever looks from all the various ways it can be seen. That could be another experiment or maybe I should just leave it as it is for now, I've got enough on and people seem to be stopping by to look regardless? :)

  5. This size is perfect! Mine is bigger!

    1. That's made me giggle Silvana and brightened my day! thank you :)

  6. Thank you and I completely agree on all 3 counts - the font has gone back to its original size on my posts since this one and will be staying that way! :)

  7. I love her new haircut, she looks so much younger with the shorter hair! How tall is She? She'd look great with my stepson :)))

    1. She's 5' 7 or 8" I think - what I do know is that she's way taller than me, as are all my kids - they've all been patting me on the head for many years now! You'll have to tell me more about your stepson! :)

  8. Ok, I will, He's really cute and tall, 6'4" :)) I'll send you a picture in email.


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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