Monday 9 July 2012

Graduation Times Ahead - So Excited!!!

Tomorrow we fly back to England again, this time it's definitely a trip of celebrations as my two sons, JA & JT are both graduating from university.  JT graduates from the University of Kent at Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday morning with an MDrama (Hons) in Theatre and Drama Studies and then on Friday afternoon, JA graduates from Aston University at Birmingham Town Hall with a BSc (Hons) in French.  

We're really looking forward to it although, daughter F & I are starting to get a bit worried that our NYC summer outfits might not be quite so appropriate for the current English weather! 

After the graduations we're travelling to the north of England to my home town, St Helens, to bury my Dad's ashes and celebrate his life. Our final week is in London, catching up with special friends.

I might have difficulty sleeping tonight, I'm so excited!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Beth, I've no doubt I'll still be blogging on my travels! :)

  2. Thank you, they have both worked hard and played hard and had so much fun along the way. They deserve their success and we're very proud of them :)

  3. Have a great time! Bring raincoats:-)

    1. Can you believe we don't possess coats anymore? Well the truth is that the three of us have lost, and continue to lose, loads of weight since December (change in diet imposed by my health)so we no longer possess coats that fit. The NYC weather hasn't necessitated us buying any and, as clothes are only sold seasonally over here, there really are no coats to buy! I'm trying not to think about it and praying for some miraculous change in the great British weather that I fear just ain't gonna happen!

  4. Hope you brought your wellies - have a great time :)

    1. Wellies!!! But they won't go with our brightly coloured summer dresses, which I'm also thinking are going to be totally inappropriate. I'm trying to get used to living in 40/104 degree heat and high humidity, next you'll be telling me that instead of air conditioning I'll be putting the heating on while I'm there - the very thought of it!!!

  5. Chris, have a wonderful trip. Congrats to both boys on their major accomplishments!!

    Hope to see you to Simon.

    Barbara B

    1. Hi Barbara, trip really great so far, graduations were fab. Eldest is coming back with us next week for a month so I'm hoping he'll come along to the August book club meeting - I'd love you and Mark to meet him. See you very soon :)

  6. HI Chissi, I hope you have a good trip and enjoy the rain!

    1. Thanks Martha, we've been so busy so far but had a quiet night tonight so able to catch up with my blog comments! :)


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Chris Dodsley

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