Tuesday 26 June 2012

A Weekend Full of Sunshine

This past weekend I've completed three quilts and done a six quilt photoshoot on our roof garden in crazy, hot sunshine.  Needless to say, I'm shattered but very glad to have everything finished, especially as two of the quilts, Surprise Projects I & II, are on a very tight deadline.  The third is my Sparkle Plenty Quilt, designed by Loft Creations.

The pattern is easy and fast, especially when you use the two tools I introduced you to in my tutorials, Charm Squares - An Easy Way To Cut Multiples Quickly and Using A Bloc-Loc To Cut Half-Square Triangle (HST) Squares.  What's also amazing about the pattern is how different it looks depending on the fabrics chosen.  There were 7 quilts well on their way to completion in our final class, and not one looked like another, and it was all down to the fabrics - but one thing they had in common, besides the pattern, is that they all looked great.  

And here she is; I know she's mine, but I think she's stunning, and I'm delighted with her.  I'd love to hear your thoughts :)


And here's a late addition to my post in response to Leo's comment - a photo of the full view from my roof garden :)

and finally, a view from my living room and, yes, we can't wait for Macy's 4th July fireworks - it's our first year here for Independence Day, and I think we've got the best seats in the house :)

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  1. What a great quilt! I love your photos of it too.

    1. Thank you, I think this quilt may have to be a keeper :)

  2. Your quilt is so beautiful! The colors sparkle :) You did a BEAUTIFUL job!!!

  3. wow, you are a hard workin' lady! this is a really great quilt!

    Congrats I am honoring you with the Liebster Blog Award! If you don't know what it is check it out here


    1. Hi Tara, thank you so much for this. I've seen the award as I've been going around other blogs, so I know what it is and I'm really thrilled.

      I want to have a think for a day or so about who to pass it forward to and I'll post about it at that point. In the meantime I have mentioned it on my madebyChrissieD facebook page if you want to take a look.

      Thanks again, Chrissie :D

  4. hey .. you can't show off a quilt with just tiny glances of the spectacular view! I know I know the quitl is more important - and it is really nice, dot's always make me smile .. but now I'm really intrigued about the view ....

    1. That's brilliant, you've made me laugh :D We love our view and never tire of it, I'll go back and add a couple of extra images for you right now :)

  5. I love your sparkle quilt, I have to say I am supremely jealous of the idea of a rooftop garden! That just sounds so amazing!

    1. Well, to be fair, we do have to share it with the rest of the residents but not that many seem to know it even exists, there's hardly ever anyone else out there. It's not detailed in any of the info you get when you move in and they don't mention it to you when they show you around. I found a photo of it when I was stalking the building on the internet before signing contracts, so intrigued I called the agents who confirmed it existed - can you believe it!!! So let's keep it just between us for now ;)

  6. Wow, what a lovely quilt - I love the pattern! And I'm so so jealous of your view!

    1. Thanks, it's a great pattern, very simple and looks great in any colourway :)

  7. Your quilt is beautiful and I love the fabrics. And your garden and view....AMAZING! I want to spend 4th of July with you!!

    1. We're very excited for the 4th Candace - we postponed our trip back to England as we didn't want to miss it :) Hoboken put out traffic instructions for the event yesterday and they said (based on previous years' experience) afterwards there'll be a delay of 2 hours getting off car parks and 4 hours driving out of Hoboken. It made me think that our apartment view just gets better and better!

  8. Great job on the Sparkle Plenty quilt, it looks stunning!

    1. Thank you, I think so too andit makes me want to keep it but I can't carry on keeping them all, we're drowning under quilts! :)

  9. The quilt looks wonderful! Hope you are keeping this one for yourself! ;o)

    1. I so want to Ivete, I really really love this one and I'm thinking if I start to be strict with myself and let this one go I may be sorry later. I had it in CQ last week to show you but you'd swapped days. I also brought one of my surprise quilts in for you to see (the one you haven't seen yet). Karen went mad for it and took a couple of photos which are now on CQ's facebook page but I can't link to it on my blog in case it's 'surprise' recipient sees it!

  10. Love your quilts Yes, you DID have a ringside seat for the July 4th festivities. Lucky you!!
    Thanks so much for the tip about the BlocLoc - never heard of it and I just finished a top made entirely of HST - wish I'd had that ruler but I will next time. :D

    1. The view was amazing Pat, it was really quite a treat! Absolutely give the BlocLoc a go, it makes HSTs so much easier :)

  11. This is gorgeous. I love those colours :)


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Chris Dodsley

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