Monday 11 June 2012


Amazing!  I'm so thrilled, 1,000 visitors to my blog in 31 days.  
When I created the blog I never dreamt I'd have 1,000 visitors in the first year let alone the first month.

I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who's supporting me, following me and taking the time to read what I write, you really brighten my day.



  1. Congrats! It's always fun to see what you're posting. :O)

  2. Hooray for you! That's terrific! Congratulations!
    PS. good work on the free motion quilting (earlier post). All I can say is practice, practice, practice. And sometimes, when you think you've done an awful piece, put it down and walk away. When you come back later and look at it, you'll think, "Wow, that looks pretty good!"

    1. Hi Lauren and thanks. That's such good advice about walking away - I've always done that with my artwork - never thrown anything away; when you come back to it sometime later you see something new in it or a new way to work with it, and you're right, that'll work just the same with quilting too :)

  3. A HUGE Congrats to you! The first month I was happy to get over 10 views/blogpost :)))

    1. Thanks Kati, no-one's more surprised (pleasantly, of course) than me :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Kwan. I took a look at your paper piecing of a street, fab work :)


I love to hear from everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and share your thoughts. Please leave a message to let me know you visited, it's a great way to get to know you all better too :)

Chris Dodsley

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